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As an Independent FA & CFP,

I work with working professionals to help them save time on their financial planning process and save money by avoiding costly mistakes that can impede their wealth accumulation progress.  

Daniel Lee | Independent Financial Advisor

Master REIT Investing:
Build Your Passive Income

Are you interested in leveraging Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to build a steady stream of passive income? This eBook provides a comprehensive understanding of REITs, along with a step-by-step guide on designing and implementing an income portfolio with REITs listed on the Singapore Exchange

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Learn The Secrets Of Financial Freedom

Want to learn how you can break out of the rat race? The Price of Financial Freedom book will provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you achieve financial freedom and live life on your terms in the shortest amount of time

The Price Of Financial Freedom

you are in the safe hands of a trusted advisor

Daniel Lee Certified Financial Planner
Daniel Lee Singapore Management University
Daniel Lee MDRT

Connect With Daniel:

On Telegram For Independent REIT Analysis Report

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On Instagram/TikTok For Short Form REIT Explainers

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