Should You Invest In First REIT [Fundamental Analysis]
In this article, we'll be conducting a fundamental analysis of First REIT and its suitability to achieve the following investment objective: To deliver a stable dividend yield of 5% to 6% per year while having a high degree of capital preservation ability.
Information Is Accurate Up To April 24
Business Description
First REIT is a Healthcare REIT that was listed in 2006 and owns 32 healthcare properties with the majority of its revenue being derived in Indonesia.
What I Like About First REIT:
Before the 2020 tenancy event, the performance of the REIT and management had been notable in terms of their consistency in delivering stable distribution per unit.
Clear strategic direction: To move into the developed markets with a target allocation of 50% of AUM by 2027 and also liquidate non-core or mature assets (Hospitality & Retail) for capital recycling to focus on healthcare properties.
Overall portfolio’s WALE is high and the master lease agreement often comes with built-in rent increments (at least 4.5% in Indonesia)
What I Do Not Like About First REIT:
High tenancy concentration risk of which the main tenant had shown signs of weakness (n